Severe Anxiety…..opiate free 25 days

Author: Almost_done

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:25 am

I’d say along with others that this is very common.

What else I will say is that if you take BENZOS it will probably not end very well. Both referncing myself, as well as others I’ve seen go through treatment, and I will say that I have seen more people relapse from taking benzos than anything else. Myself included. Cannot tell you how many people I watch deal with that anxiety with a half stick of xanax, and next thing you know its 3 months later, they have no memory of the past span of time, and they only "woke up" because they relapsed and were disgusted with it.

My last relapse was all started with one benzo pill. Woke up a week later with literally no memory or money. Not worth it IMO. Something about benzos, its worse than alcohol even from what I’ve seen (and experienced). Because its "kinda close" to what you really like, but far enough away that you get that craving, BAD.

Just be careful whatever you do.