Same song, different tune..

Author: jonathanm1978

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:32 am

Bettyboop wrote:
I really appreciate your responses to me! I hear you on the gradual weaning. I am on Day 3 at 1.4 mg. and feeling pretty good. Courtney-are you weaning using the liquid taper?

Jonathon-Thanks also for the Carpal Tunnel info. I know it doesnt typically develop overnight in both wrists, although it did develop quite suddenly on me on both arms last December. I’m a cyclist and maybe it all finally took its toll? The doctor said also maybe a virus last November kicked it up? I forgot to mention I also lost 20 lbs for no apparent reason at that time. The weight is coming back and they found nothing on me that was physical. You are right, my addiction could have very well been hiding my Carpall Tunnel pain, no doubt! Right now I get steroid injections in my wrists every 3 months or so, doc will not do anymore on me because of possible damage to my wrists-he wants me to do surgery. I am in a lot of pain and numbness in both arms right now. Trying to find a doc who will do the steroids shots at least until the subs get out of my system…I certainly do not want to go through days of post surgical pain because I am on the Subs.I HATE the idea of surgery on both my wrists!

I am hopeful as this is the lowest dose I have been on to date(1.4 mg for 3 days). Having the 2 mg. pills really helps.
I am so frustrated with my Sub doc. I walk away from her office thinking She is so smart, what is wrong with me? that I can’t seem to just put these things down at 2 mgs.? If it is truly psychological then all the sweating, creepy crawlies, stomach upset, lack of sleep is just in my head? Wow! I lose respect for her every time I see or talk to her. she is on maternity leave until the end of May, maybe a blessing in disguise. I will continue to wean slowly until I see her then and see what happens..
Will try and update here as much as are all amazing!

One thing you have to keep in mind, you know for a fact that you’re going to have surgery on your wrists..and you know there will come the point where you need pain medication for the surgical procedures…so you might want to weigh out staying on Suboxone and using it to alleviate your pain (use Suboxone for pain management) instead of using opiates that the surgeon will prescribe. Suboxone works GREAT for pain management depending on how you use just takes using Suboxone in a different manner – or using a different way of dosing. And to me, Suboxone works better than painkillers because you don’t get that "zombie effect" and you can still function normally. I’ve used it for all of my extractions in the past 3 years..and other arthritis-related pain from a knee injury (that particular one is going to be chronic..I’ll forever have problems because the cartilage in my knee is slowly deteriorating)…

You don’t want to have all of this work into Suboxone, then quit Suboxone..have surgery…go back on painkillers, then have to do this ALL OVER AGAIN…do you? I would think that’s not something anyone would wish to endure if they had a choice in the matter. It takes just finding a doctor to work with you through it all.