Price Increase in OK & AR??

Author: amber4.14.11

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:50 pm

Just so everyone knows,

I DO HAVE the information on Reckitt Benckisser’s Patient Assistance Program

MY year, just ended On the first of october.

so, I have the phone number, fax #, ETC…..

YOU HAVE TO HAVE YOUR DOCTOR CALL FIRST…………the dr. calls to ‘verify’ with someone on the phone, that they do not have THREE patients on the program. . after that, you can have the application mailed or faxed to you.
You fill out your part,
along with proof of income, they prefer last yr’s taxes, but I used paystubs when I applied, and they had NO problem with that.
then, your doctor fills out the bottom portion,
and you fax or mail it in.
They’ve recently changed the "application” process, to only processing a certain number per month. so, NOW
the "wait time” can be up to a month/six weeks.

Anyways, if anyone would like more information or has any questions,,,,

Dont hesitate to PM me.
I’ll do the best I can.
this program allowed me to save $550 a month, for TWELVE MONTHS.
in the mean time, I got on my feet, for sure. not to mention 7 grand worth of dental work I NEVER would have been able to afford, had I not got on this.