Author: NoAlibi
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:47 am
You absolutely need to be honest with your doctor. You are already far along enough that it is what it is, no changing thE situation much. Your baby is at risk for neonatal withdrawal syndrome. Unfortunately, the majority of babies born to opiate-dependent mothers suffer some sort of withdrawal, but not all do. If you don’t tell your doctor, your baby will not receive treatment, and a list of bad things could happen. I know this must be very scary for you, but you need to tell your doctor, or the baby could suffer needlessly.
Unfortunately, sometimes CPS is called when a mother tests positive for Subz. However, from what I know, they just do a short routine investigation and if all is well, they send mother and baby home.
You are asking all these questions about hiding the Sub use. Please don’t do that. It could hurt your baby. Good luck on your pregnancy and congratulations!