Out of control insomnia

Author: kla

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 9:28 am

I’m not sure where to start here, dad went to his primary on Tuesday and came home with Trazadone, Corbidopa-Levadopa and Rozeremin, unfortuantly i had my own dr. appt at the exact same time so another family member went with him. I was happy that he did get the trazadone like i had requested though. I wasn’t a fan of him trying 3 drugs at once but he did take 50mg of trazadone and a forgot the doseage of the corbidopa-levadopa.

Anyhow he said he was very relaxed and stayed in bed all night even though he felt as if he slept only 4 hrs. I still felt this was progress though. Unfortunatly he added 8mg Rozermin to the mix the next 2 nights and was really nervous and jittery. Last night i suggested that he back off the rozerimin and see what happens. It could have been just a rough night or caused by the rozerimin, i don’t know with so many drugs in the mix.

He is open to trying scripts, only not opiates or benzo’s. We’ve just had a hard time with his dr.s understanding the magnitude of opiate withdrawal since nne of the three are well versed in it. Changing dr’s isn’t an option since i did get a list of pain mgmt. dr.’s in the area and only one is accepting new patients and not until the end of march. That’s why i’m helping him so much. He just tries to please all three of us kids and that leads to my sister siding completly with the naturopath, who i think means well for sure but is simply using homeopathics which i don’t think in this situation is helping at all.

My brother and sister in law believe everything dad’s primary says because a family member works for this dr. and although i think this dr. means well too, he doesn’t know anything about opiate withdrawal.

I have more faith in his pain mgmt. dr. but have been disapointed to learn that he’s only been prescriping suboxone for a year or so and hasn’t had any of his patients taper off, so he’s not versed in the process at all.

Anyhow i’ve been sort of waiting to see how a few nights go on all these new drugs and not sure if an ok nights sleep is just a random thing, (which i’m leaning towards) or that it might have anything to do with the new drugs he’s trying. Starting to believe it’s all random and won’t be influenced by anything but an opiate.

Thanks for all your thoughts and input, i wanted to address all your comments personally but am over whelmed at the moment with a sinus infection/headache, my daughter leaving for grad school soon, really soon! and my son coming home from a year abroad, woot woot!

So trying to keep my head above water here! Oh and shopping for a dr. who will write the scripts i need since my insurance company told me 2 weeks ago that i can’t go to my pain mgmt. dr. any more. He was awesome, even adjusted my neck at every appt. Truly a one stop guy and now i’m scrambling to get into different specialists to take his place. Trying to keep my balance and hanging on so far, even though my car was broke into as well so can’t drive until the front window is replaced as it’s 12 degrees here today, deep breathing, deep breathing Smile

Love and peace to you all, Lori