New, ultimate, painless way to switch from heroin2suboxone

Author: scarredandscared

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:35 am

subodesntwork … did you try it? if you did PLEASE tell me how it went. i too am at a point where my tolerance is so high and i have been switching back and forth for so many years that all of my attempts recently to switch to suboxone have failed. if i have a week to be completely out of commission i think that i could make it happen but my family life and work situation do not allow me to have that time. i am at such a loss and so f*cking scared. this is life and death because i am getting so tired of the struggle i often wish i could fall asleep and just not wake up the next morning to deal with another day of heroin. please let me know. thank you and i hope you are okay.