Author: jennyloveschet
Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 11:40 am
Hi Kelly,
I’ve been on subs now for almost eight months; the initial month of my program I too had headaches. My doctor said it was from the flavor ~orange~ and that I would eventually get used to it; which I did. As for tapering off so quickly, I couldn’t do it. For me, and many others, this suboxone thing is a maintenance program that will most likely last a very long time. Since being on this site I have learned that many doctors are attempting to begin detoxing their patients as soon as they begin the program. That just doesn’t make sense to me. Giving an opinion from a heroin addict of 12 years, and a fourth year psychology major ~ studying to become a substance abuse counselor~ I can safely say that the brains of long-term heroin/pain pills addicts just don’t work like that! For many of us, we can’t go from a major addiction to a detox program and than…. BAM…just quit. Even with a sllloooowwwww detox you’re still going to go through the nasty shit withdrawals. It might not be as intense~ hence the tapering off~ but it will still suck..bad enough for many to say fuck it and relapse with their chosen poison. That is why, IN MY OPINION & MY DOCTORS OPINION, a long term maintenance program is essential for a safe, relapse free, suboxone experience. For me, suboxone has saved not only my college education and my soon to be career, but it probably saved my life. I know my reply is a bit late to your initial post, but I hope you still get a chance to read what I had to say. God Bless and good luck with your experience on suboxone.