Author: Amy-Work In Progress
Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 2:56 am
I’ve been wondering how you are and I’m sad to hear that your break up has caused you so much pain. I’m not surprised though. Going through a break up is a time of extreme grief. You are mourning her and the future you had imagined with her. It’s very similar to grieving for someone who has died. When my mom died suddenly it was a physical and emotional shock to me. I didn’t get any sort of closure with her either and that was extremely difficult. My immune system was shot too; I got sick with every illness that anyone around me had and even got Bell’s Palsy.
Emotional pain like this doesn’t go away quickly, but your heart grows more accustomed to carrying the weight of it.
Please be kind to yourself in the next few months. Give yourself time and space to grieve. If you try to bury it, your brain will find maladaptive ways to deal with it. Writing it down may help, even if you don’t consider yourself someone who would "journal". Sometimes your friends aren’t able to deal with your grief and that is when writing it down or talking to a professional could help. Anything to keep it from messing with your recovery.
And we’ll be here too if you need to vent or talk about it.