Author: MovieMaker1
Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 9:38 am
I gotta say… I laughed pretty hard the first time I saw the picture of those two posed as super heroes in a comic book lol. And one is green and one is orange. Classic lol.
I guess I understand how it could be pushed to say it benefits society by lowering hiv and crime rates if you really wanted it to. But that’s kind of messed up to say. That’s almost like saying by eradication of gay men would be beneficial to society to lower hiv and discotechs. Lol. So wrong.
Suboxone is for the sick bastards that tried every other possible solution to stay clean of opiate drugs. IMHO.
It’s like they are saying that saving the lives of thousands maybe even hundreds of thousands of addicts isn’t as important as stifling hiv a little but or crime rates by a small small fraction. Ya know?
Oh well. Can’t win em all I guess.
Lets think of other characters to combat these two "super heroes" lol. Addiction Gremlins and Withdrawal Trolls lol.
Hope you are doing well Teejay. Glad to see the humour in something.