Author: Taper57
Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:37 pm
izzywizzy, using percs or any other full agonist opiate for withdrawal symptoms, not a good idea! Yes, both drugs are opiates, but that’s where the similarity ends, percs are a quick acting full agonist, where as Sub is a long lasting partial agonist with a high binding/stacking affinity, simply put it stays with you much longer. Either way you extend your withdrawal time, but in my opinion, using a small amount of Sub, say .125mg or less, only when you can’t handle the symptoms any longer, is the lesser of the two evils.
Although you tapered, you tapered very quickly, so a better option might be to go back on sub at .25mg and do a slower taper to .125mg or lower, before you jump again. When I tapered, and got below the 1mg point, I lowered my dose by .25mg, every thirty days, and stayed at the last dose for thirty days as well. When I jumped the only bad days were 3&4, and that just felt like a cold coming on, I could have worked if necessary. Everyone’s different, and this is only my opinion, but I think it’d be the easiest, most controlled way out for you, especially if you have to work while going thru it.
Whatever route you take, you might try contacting your sub doc and ask him for some comfort meds, there are things he can give you to help with the symptoms.
Good luck,