Author: raudy1975
Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 4:48 pm
Hi Donechasing. I do feel bad for what happened to you at Kroger. As an addict, I have done some crazy messed up shit to get pills in the past. So I can def sympathize with you on getting a felony. It pisses me off that it is a felony. It should be a misdem. with the promise of rehab instead of a felony.
Anyways, what are you going to do after you quit Subs? Just have some sort of plan set up when you get off besides this chatroom. I would try to go to meetings if you are no longer going to take Subs. Or if meetings aren’t your thing, then therapy or both. I think therapy would help a lot of addicts or control substance abusers. Whatever you want to call yourself. I don’t think it really matters as long as you can recognize there is a problem and seek help. Which you are doing. Stay strong and best of luck to you.