Author: Romeo
Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:34 pm
Hey Zim,
I’m 100% happy that you’re at day 10 off of Suboxone, the worst should definitely be behind you. Believe me, I know how hard it can be to get off of Suboxone, I jumped from a high dose and got my ass handed to me by wd.
As for my earlier posts, I’m gonna have to stand by them because you did offer up, in my opinion, some awful suggestions. I was just picturing some young person coming along and trying to follow your method. I pictured some kid who had no experience with the drugs you mentioned, but they decided to try and follow your suggestions anyway and ended up in serious trouble. That’s why I was so when I read your post.
Anyway, like I said, I am 100% happy for you. Getting off of Suboxone is no mean feat.
BTW, the Shakespeare thing was funny as hell……are you sure you weren’t stoned out of your gourd when you wrote that??