Interesting article from Dr. J regarding tolerance

Author: welly321

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:45 pm

Heres my thoughts. There are two major benefits to subs. Maintaining the physical side of addiction and also healing the mental side. When your taking suboxone as prescribed and staying away from old connects, the mental part of the addiciton is in remission. Obviously the physical part is still there. If someone on vicodin has such a crazy mental addiction that there willing to INCREASE the physical part just to fix the mental part then so be it. Let them do it. Its there choice. The prescribing dr should definitely explain that they will be increasing there physical addiction to opiates.

I mean to that person that said there tolerance was through the roof and they had to take 6 vics just to function. Lets just say that during my heroin use once i took 10 vicodin 7.5s and i was still sick. Even with this crazy tolerance, 8mg of sub is enough to keep me well. So using 8mg would increase your tolerance. If your ok with that then thats fine, its just doctors should be making the patients aware that the sub WILL be making there physical addiction worse.