Author: hatmaker510
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:24 am
Kelly, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Studies show that when addicts have untreated pain they are indeed at risk of relapse. Your dog damn doctor should know that. But as you made clear, he doesn’t seem to know much about suboxone. (Like it doesn’t work for pain? What does he think buprenorphine has been used for over the last previous decades before they added naloxone to it for suboxone? ARGH).
I completely understand your frustration and your anger. It’s a normal reaction and I would be crying too.
It sounds like you have all the bases covered (first try your PCP then a PM doctor to see if they’ll rx sub for you for pain) and unfortunately, I can’t think of anything else you can do. However, that doesn’t mean others won’t come along and have more ideas of their own. Give it some time and I’m sure others will be by with their ideas soon.
Hang in there and please know we’re here for you, to support you through this. (((((HUGS)))))