Author: Goinstrong
Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 5:53 am
Hey supavillan, I just wanted to expand a little bit on what teejay said. He is 100% right, but I also know
that there are patients such as myself that dose for pain. So my dose is 8mg in the morning, 8mg in the
afternoon, and 4mg at night. Sometimes I do forget that evening dose, but the two doses during the day,
keep me out of pain.
Suboxone has an analgesic property that lasts anywhere from 4~6 hours. So I take my dose every 6 hours or so.
In between, I take tylenol and motrin, and that takes care of the pain for me.
Like TeeJay, I do have a really fast metabolism, so it seems like the med wears off a lot quicker than
what I thought it would.
But I’ve noticed over the last 7 months, that that’s exactly what happens. I start to crave a dose, if you will.
Not crave, like I did with opiates, but crave because I am in pain again, and know that a dose will have my pain
alleviatied. Does that make sense?
All patients are different. Don’t compare your dose to anyone elses. This is a very unique program. I’m actually
in the process of taking 4mg, 4mg, and then another 4mg if needed at night. That significantly lowers my dose.
Along with lowering my side effects.
My head is clearer, and I feel like I can think straight on the lower dose.
Anyway, I hope that helped.
Take Care~Kelly