i hate subs.

Author: blue falcon show

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:39 pm

time to stop this nonsense-so teejay-
yeah , i was on the offensive, and yeah, not all your words, only one sentence got under my skin, and hell yes i take it serious,rather than being as you call it "sensitive" but it seems that you are not getting it where i’m coming from and maybe i am not seeing past to understand yer view, very likely. if i understand you right, since someone is talking smack about subs, that renders them open for one of the most ridiculous comments i’ve ever heard anyone say to an addict in recovery,regardless of days, i’d feel the same if it was on day 4 or day 90. personally, if i were to be at a meeting, aa,nn,ect. and witnessed some dude saying that same statement to someone in that same position, i’m sure i would get up and knock the dude upside the head, regardless to how the conversation got to the point to drive dude to say it… the statement is just wrong on so many levels in the context you’ve pitched it to be, in my opinion. as far as the topics and issues discussed before the "side ways comment" i wasn’t even considering them, i look at it as an excuse to what caused you to say it, and only that, doesn’t mean you were in the right, it just means you choose to cross a line due to your passion of the subject. sounds like you felt dirty was being hypocritical, and if so, there were so many better ways to make yer point without shitting on someones progress while they’re in a very vulnerable state. that has been my point and only that point. i don’t understand why it is so hard for you to get that? what i get from yer posts was "she deserved it"? as much as i would like to drop this, i feel i owe it to others who read this to be very clear and explain my actions, because, as you first suspected, i am not one who makes a habit of getting into these types of insulting exchanges…it struck at my convictions in a way i wasn’t comfortable letting it go, to be honest, i was and am effected by this way more than dirty south was and is, shit, she defended you to me in pm, so you must be worthy? i wouldn’t know yet, and neither do you, i haven’t even posted my position on the topic of discussion, which has been my point all along, just the statement made.
lastly, where i come from, whether someone is at day 1 or 15years, they’re all taking life one day at a time, how much sober time doesn’t mean shit, everyone is equal in recovery, as anyone can fall at any moment, don’t matter if 13 days or 2 years…sounds like you came from experience, i don’t know how you would believe any different? maybe you’ve never attended treatment or meetings? that would explain a lot, i assumed you have.

of course i owe you the respect of hearing your response to this post, shoulda probably did this one in pm, and i hope you see i am not out to cut you off at the knees, just completely offended..lol. maybe it does have something to do with wds,if so, i think it’s more on the lines that i spent the last entire year planning my taper and detox off subs, started many months ago, and i stayed on track as planned, and it’s a big deal for anybody when they can get past the worst of the wds period, whether they jumped off or planned a long grueling grind where it’s on your mind all day every day for months and months, and someone minimizes, devalues, or just shits on your accomplishments. seems to me if anyone had gone through the suboxone wds after being on them for any length, understanding my long drawn out ramble should be very simple to get their head around.. hope this ends the b.s.