Author: doloria
Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:44 pm
Thank u rule for ur reply. I must say that I’m in awe of the quick replies and wonderful advice. I have the same fear as u….jumping off cold turkey puts me at high risk for relapse. I like ur idea of printing out sub info for my physicians to read up on. I’m just extremely upset that this is something that no physician themself has done for me so far. I work in healthcare and when a patient is on a med that no one has heard of, we educate ourselves on that med in order to treat the patient properly. I will basically have to start from square one and cold calling physicians. But that still doesn’t solve my pain problem today. Going back to the er, as my Gyn suggested a few minutes ago, isn’t an option. Today I tried again splitting up my sub doses as previously suggested and got no pain relief. Physicians seem to be better educated on methadone than sub. It’s a very frustrating situation. I’m in so much pain and can barely walk. Had I known that sub would be a road block to effective pain management for acute pain issues, I never would have gotten on it. That’s why I’m leaning twds getting off of it completely. There is possible surgery in my future and being off sub would give me better pain management alternatives for post op pain. I’m at my wits end. Today is Sunday so docs offices r closed. I was thinking of going cold turkey and finding a different sun doc if I need to be put back on sub later. But nothing solves my short term pain issue that I’m having now