Author: Kitty36
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 7:00 am
Great job so far! Once you play around and figure out what dose works for you, you’re really only supposed to dose once a day. They say that’s to help get rid of addictive patterns. I dose three times a day. Not because I feel withdrawal kicking in, but because of pain. Sub only gets rid of pain for about 6 hours. I’m really not sure how your dosing would go, since you only want to use it for a short time. You might want to do some research and see how others used it for a quick taper. Please be careful with the Xanax. That would be a pretty high dose to take along with sub. I truly don’t think you’ll need that once you start the sub. Right now you should be at around 15 hours! Way to go! You’re almost there!