How do i start?

Author: Kitty36

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:25 am

I think it depends how long you’re able to hold out. If you can stick out the 24 hours and are in pretty decent withdrawal, 4mg should ok. Oxy and H are both short acting opiates and I took 8mg after 22 and a half hours. But I was also positive that I was almost in severe withdrawal. If you don’t wait long enough and only think your withdrawal is bad, taking too much sub can cause precipitated withdrawal. And once that happens, I don’t think you can do anything other than wait it out. If you start off small, you can always take more. There’s really a lot of factors that play into it, and you’ll be the only one who will know how you’re feeling, how long you’ve waited etc. That’s just my opinion. Either way, be careful, good luck, and I’ll try to help you in whatever small way I can. Maybe someone else will have better advice. I can only compare you to my personal experience and I don’t know if that’s helpful or not.