Author: asm54
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:29 am
Good Morning
At about 11:00pm last night (80hr after induction) I finally felt OK and could eat something for the first time since I started induction
I know now that Travis was correct and some of the pain was w/d related
Then the strangest thing is that I woke at 3:00am in full w/d weird, because I had taken 16mg of Sub at 9:00 am or about 18hr before.
This time I did the correct thing and rather than taking my other opiates and took 8mg sub and that is where I am at now.
I can not say that I feel great but I am better than yesterday and that is good enough for me and as I have said pain will not kill you
I did a sub induction 2-1/2 years ago and that one went "normal" to 2-4mg doses and leveled out at 4mg x day but most of all I was fine and felt great the next day, so when I did the induction this time I had expectations from my passed experience. The difference was that I was on about 5x the dose than when I did my first induction.
So the Dr post ( has pretty much run true to form for me
If you transition from a high dose of opiates give it will take 3-4 days before you begin to feel OK
This my seem redundant but truly comes from my heart Thanks so VERY MUCH to Hat, Ann and Travis