First Dr. Appointed Counseling Appointment, so Nervous!!!

Author: jdizzle

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:17 pm

Yknow, Romeo, I was just thinking more about asking the counselor at my doc’s office why getting off suboxone is so important..

It really WOULD be a great question to ask…

I mean, really…WHY?! I think he is probably one of those prudes who sees being on suboxone as "not being entirely sober". Well, yknow what, Romeo…I’m going in there with my head up high tomorrow. I pay a lot of money for these appointments and I don’t deserve to get dicked around, you feel me? I’m going to tell him that I’m happy, I’m staying on it, and that’s it. If he wants to help me work out some of my daddy issues, great. But I will not take any guilt tripping.