Author: Cutty
Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 9:05 am
Man, you guys are the shit on this fourm, thats why I had t come back when I made my jump. Thanks so much for your concern. But yeah, I smoke weed everyday, have for about 11years. Wont stop, I find it enhances many aspect of my life. However, it must be respected and used responisibly. You cannot rely on it. Thats what it becomes and abuse relationship with the drug. So., thats my take. Not every recovering addict needs to smoke weed, that high could be a trigger of course. But for me it’s an anti-drug. And shrooms are the same deal I just described with pot, just 1000X more profound. Three good tips and my strong desirre to get
clean are what gave my 2/12 years of sobriety. But this was a few years ago, it’s just an exampe of how certain psycedellics, can work WONDERS for addiction. I’m sure we all know aboit Ibogain. But it won’t magically cure you, you have to have the correct mindset, and want it to work.