DOCs effect on stopping subs

Author: BB6152009

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:48 am

A few comments after reading this thread.

I went from 400mg / day methadone down to 80mg / day over one month so I could start sub. That month was hell and I used a lot of benzos and other shit (some oxy) as I struggled through it. So I basically switched to sub 24 hours after my last methadone dose and ended up in precipitated withdrawal for 2 days…..the worst suffering that I have ever experienced. My sub dose was 32mg. I went down to 24 after about 3 weeks. Down to 20 after another week and down to 16 after another week and I didn’t struggle too bad. I stayed at 16 for a couple of months and went to 12 with no noticable difference. Stayed at 12 for a month or so and went to 8 and same from 8 to 4. This all happened fast, less than a year. Then the struggle started at 4mg to go lower. A year to get to 2mg. Then from 2mg to .5mg took like 2 years, it was hard. My conclusion is that 4mg is the holding dose and when you start to go below that it gets tough. The other cuts were mostly mental, not physical.

My friend was on like 20-25 norcos a day and his sub doctor started him at 16mg. I think he should’ve started at no more than 4mg, seriously. He is now pissed off and feels stuck at 8mg after over 2 years. He could’ve done a quick sub detox and probably would’ve been alright, but the rehab he went to didn’t operate that way. This is a big business.

As for the topic, I don’t think it matters what you were on before after being on sub for a long time. I do know that jumping even at .5mg is rough and if somone is to jump they should try to go really really low, like .05 liquid taper all that. It would’ve taken forever and I didn’t have the patience. I am glad I jumped and am almost 4 months sub free, but still am on 15mg diazepam a day tapering that. I do not yet feel clean, but I was on like 12mg per day clonazepam (=240mg diazepam) for a few weeks. I developed a slight benzo dependecy, however 15 mg diazepam is nothing. I should be able to taper that over the next month to nothing no problem. I would stop now, but can’t sleep for shit and have to go to work. Worst case, I have 3 weeks off for the holidays and if I am still on the diazepam it would be like 2mg per day and I just stop. Withdrawal coudln’t be that bad….not compared to what I’ve gone through. 3 weeks is pleanty of time and the majority of opiate paws should be gone by that point. It isn’t yet, I can tell you that and I live a healthy lifestyle other than the benzos. I workout, eat very healthy, attend NA, have routine, etc.

Sub paws is a bitch. It leaves a long lasting depression and moderate anxiety/restlessness that seems to be perpetual, but thanks to the people on this board I know it won’t last forever. We do recover.