Day 3 no sub- Worst Here or Yet to Come? Your Opinion Wanted

Author: Goinstrong

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:39 am

OK, First and foremost, we would NEVER hate, or even dislike you for being honest with us.
I think that everyone needs support from time to time in their life, and this is just one of those times
for you. Thank you for taking the journey with us.

As far as quitting sub goes~I think that you should hold off on that for a little while. Why stress yourself
out about it right now. From what I can tell, you have already got enough stress in your life with school.
It sounds like you are up to your elbows in school work. Focus on that for right now, and worry about this
later. I would keep your dose as low as you possibly can. Like the .25 pieces. Take them only when needed,
and then worry about jumping later. It’s like you said, you are going to have time later on to do this.

I am here for you no matter what. Just keep on keeping on!!!!! Take Care~