Author: Goinstrong
Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 8:12 am
hessler wrote: |
It astonishes me what people come out with. You only feel excited if a drug dealer calls or you know you will get an opiate, but it does nothing to help the psychical pain, the excitement lasts merely for couple of minutes.
Withdrawals from suboxone can never be avoided, I really wished people stopped being indenial about this and simply get off the suboxone ASAP or not start it in the first place. |
I am so glad to hear that we as a forum have astonished you. This seems like quite the unatainable goal, and we accomplished it. We should all be taking lessons from you, so that we could stop being in denial about the fact that withdrawl cannot be avoided, and get off the suboxone ASAP. Or better yet, not start it in the first place.
I’m not quite sure what you are even DOING on this forum. You are like a black cloud just looming over every thread just waiting for the opportunity to bring everyones great mood, down to your miserable level. You should really go ack to where ever it is that you came from, probably some sub bashing site…..
Leave us alone. We are all here for support and credible, reliable, information. You offer neither. All you do is clog up the threads with nonsense.