Best Suboxone film ROA?

Author: Rick Balls

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:13 pm

Lol ROA means your method of taking the subs or Route Of Administer. Thats a scientific term us addicts have adopted for some time now. The real reason I switched to subs was because I was on enormous dosage of oxy and it wasnt working at all. They way you see addicts taking 30mg of oxy and passing out, i would take 3-4 times that and be saying the same thing it doesnt work or feeling nothing. It was scary to me how much I was taking and not getting relief or buzz or anything. That is when I did research and found subs. Never considered methadone because I was not a typical adict. The subs took away the craving, which is all I ever got from pain meds. Plus it actually made me feel loose. Keep in mind I covered in scar tissue from 5 surgeries and have nerve,tendon,muscle damage on top of my titanium fused skeleton. I think the films are going to work eventually. Maybe my system is just more used to the tablets. The subutex is actually alot different than suboxone. Subutex has no naloxone and way less filers and binders mixed in. Its sublingal also but just in tablet form. The biggest diff is that it comes in generic form so about half the price of suboxone and same amount of bup. Any insurance that denys this type of switch is pretty stupid. They can pay $10 per pil or $5. I understand the argument that sub tablets are dangerous for children etc. Thats why these films are better for people with kids around. If no kids in the pucture the tablets are alot cheaper to produce. The packaging alone on these film costs more than a tablet.