At one month of suboxone

Author: Downtime

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:00 pm

jenrat79 wrote:
I am at the one month mark of my suboxone treatment for hydrocodone addiction. It terrifies me when I read all the horror stories of withdrawal and people being on it for years. I just have this overwhelming feeling that the closer I get to one month, which is just a few days away, that I should get off while I can or that if I wait any longer it will be impossible. I have yet to actually stay on the same dose for no more than a few days, but right now for the past few days, I’ve had 6-8mg/day. And that seems to be working well for now. It’s kind of hard to talk to my Dr since he started me on 16mg/day which was way too much. I went down to 4mg on my own and now I wish I’d stayed there. I may be naive in asking this, but if this drug lasts in your system 3 days, why take it everyday? I am still being prescribed 16mg/day, so I have like a stockpile of it now. I was just thinking since I’m about to have a panic attack(I do have anxiety disorder), about being on this for a month, why not just stop trying to take a certain dose each day, and just take 2mg when I feel like I need it? I don’t really have bad cravings for my DOC, just sometimes a little feeling that I need "something". Sorry so long, I am just seriously terrified of some of the horror stories I’ve read.

take it from me been on 3 years 30 days clean i still want to die.. i cant work still, no end insight yet