Anyone have experience with slowly building up bupe levels?

Author: TwinCitiesHardcore

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 5:58 pm

I’ve just gotta say that this method may look alright on paper but it’s clearly dangerous to give an addict what is essentially ‘permission’ to add more opioids not to mention benzos on top of hundreds of mg’s of oxycodone. 450mg of oxycodone isn’t the biggest habit in the world and certainly isn’t impossible to transition from without the few week rigamarole of somehow tapering down IV oxycodone use to less and less pills over the course of two weeks then taking orally so as to remove the IV componant…It looks good on paper but likely won’t be doable. Stop cold turkey for 48 hours tops and induce would be my logical advice. At the very least I’m going to suggest that there’s going to be no way for you to control your own titration of oxycodone and more than likely control use of benzodiazepines so if there’s a third party who can actually ‘hold you’ to a titration schedule and you insist on titration, that would be more likely to be doable in my mind. I’m not trying to be negative and I hate to break it but I don’t believe that there is a completely painless way to stop full agonists and get into recovery, my friend….At some point you’ve gotta pay the piper, but when you do deal with what will in all reality only be a week tops of being uncomfortable the payoff will be totally worth it. I know that sounds cold and cruel right now but it’s the truth. If you keep searching out a ‘painless method’ you’re never going to find an answer. Don’t be a guinea pig, man, think more of yourself than that. Even if you don’t, I think more of you than that as a fellow addict who happens to be suffering right now and looking for recovery!
