Another noob

Author: Jimmy

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:13 pm

Rich-PMS wrote:
So I wound up taking 4mg more each day so far.

Hello and welcome. As for me, I just sat down after a long day at work and having dinner with my family. I think you’ll find things pick up in the evenings on this board. At least that has been my experience.

I agree with Jonathon, your first post did not provide the level of detail needed to make an educated guess as to why you were feeling uncomfortable in the evenings. I’m NOT saying you should have provided details – how much you or any other member shares is completely up to them.

However, if you were taking 8mg including a 4 mg dose around dinner time, there is likely no way your uncomfortableness was due to a lack of sub. Sub has a very long half-life and completely fills the receptors with 4-6 mg.

What could be happening, and I’m simply taking a shot in the dark here, is an absorption issue. Dr. Junig gave these tips for getting max absorption from a sub dose:

How to get max absorption from a sub dose

His post was written before strips hit the market, but the same principles apply.

I will also add that when I first got on sub, and the times I got back on sub after a relapse, it would take about a week to really feel withdrawal free.

The decision to go on sub is no small thing. Congrats to you and I wish you the best going forward!
