Almost One Year off Sub!

Author: laddertipper

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:32 am

hessler wrote:
6 months on average people feel very bad on suboxone, This indeed varies from each individual but you do not even need any studies to realize the longer you take suboxone the less of a human you feel. EEvery single suboxone user feels the notion of "sub turned on me" yet few will not admit this fact.

The klonopin did help the suboxone detox no matter how low of a dose was involved. You do not need to be a doctor or expert to work that out. It helps with anxiety and sleep and these are some of the major problems people have coming off suboxone and some of the worst problems which make people relapse post-suboxone.

It is recommended to have health checks every 3 months, especially when you have stopped suboxone. Conditions can arise 3-4 years post-suboxone. So please bear that in mind. When the suboxone is stored in the blood it can tend to mask conditions, since it can take a considerably long time for any suboxone to banish from your blood and fatty cells then sometimes tests can be ineffective, so it is recommend to get checked our every 3 months for 3 to 4 years post-suboxone.

Other opiates compared to suboxone are babies in more ways then one.

The anxiety and all the other typical symptoms related to the suboxone are long lasting compared to other opiates, the suboxone gets stuck in your fatty cells, blood and receptors, this is why people experience symptoms for a very long time.

I am not anti-suboxone but pro-living without suboxon. If looking out for peoples health is anti-suboxone then so be it. Studies and research has shown taking suboxone for several months makes you unmotivated, un-human and a ghost. One would rather be off suboxone then on suboxone. Those that are on suboxone right now in their early phase of treatment will soon realize that fact, unless they of course come off it ASAP.

Brain lesions can be caused by suboxone as more then 1 individual has reported this, this is also one of the reasons why PAWS are grueling. 5 people I know personally were diagnosed with fibro and all had taken suboxone, that is no coincidence, their doctors would not have linked that condition with suboxone otherwise. I do not think the doctors can be wrong about that.

There was a person who had taken suboxone for 4 years and is off the suboxone now for 3 years. Today he is suffering with pains, no motivation/depression, sleep issues and has never felt this way before. He has tried all sorts of medications but none has an affect. Because of this his doctor has omitted himself from prescribing suboxone. I will show you his story once I have gotten his permission and hopefully can post the link

In France and the UK recently there was a meeting between doctors and Blue Arrow (makes of generic suboxone) as they concluded patients were struggling to feel happy on this medication and were feeling in withdrawal for a long time coming off the medication/suboxone. The decision they made was to wean off patients as soon as possible and give them blood test aswell as other, that to me and everybody else should be a cause of concern. Now in some parts of Western Europe they have reverted back to the tried and tested which is methadone. They will also now only keep suboxone on the market for certain people in certain circumstances.

Only recently studies are being made about suboxone and the patients who take suboxone, or subutex. This is being done in Europe for the time being as buprenorphine was first approved in that part of the world before the States.. I have my sources so please believe me and trust me on that issue.

I can only advise patients for their own benefit to get off suboxone ASAP, if you have been taking it for a while now then see your doctor and do some health checks and seek any alternatives in coming off suboxone together with weaning down, but studies again have shown weaning down does not make a difference in regards to the duration of suboxone symptoms, psychical problems and the long term damage. What can male a difference is the duration one has been taking suboxone. Those that have been on suboxone treatment for 3 weeks and 2 months still have a chance to get off and not suffer and do any damage to your health.

I hope people will seriously read into this and do more research. I understand its not what people want to know but the truth is always important and goes a long way in preparing people for the future.

I only hope people can come out of this situation and have a better life which does not include suboxone. Like a doctor said " a life on suboxone is no life at all"

Okay, honestly, I am very interested in what you are saying, and if it is accurate, it absolutely applies to me. I was on Suboxone for 6 years, after all. However, I have no clue where you are getting your information. It’s a serious claim to state that Suboxone causes brain lesions. That would be something I should probably know about, but I’m sure you understand that I can’t just take your word for it. I’d like to do my own research into your sources.

Thank you,