Author: markb0707
Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 2:30 am
Hello again…I just wanted to quickly rspond to those with questions pertaining to neurotoxity caused by Suboxone. The best way to get as much information pertaining to this med is to seek out and find physicians who are very educated, deeply versed and very involved with Suboxone. Please note the differences in physcians who can actually prescribe Suboxone, and those that actually scientifically research & study its properties, biological effects…both short and long term….please don’t confuse them as being similiar, because they’re not by any means.That’s like making the statement that a Podiatrist and a Neurologist are one in the same because they both have prescription pads. My research has been done side by side with them guiding and leading me in my endeavor. When you find the proper physician, and consult with them, it’ll bring a lot of answers to the questions that a lot of people have. Hope this helps.