ADHD Medication

Author: Tndb

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 7:09 pm

I guess no one had an answer. Anyway, the visit to my primary care doc did not go so well. I have seen this doctor for 2 years and have never asked for a controlled substance. Also, she does not know I am on Suboxone…

You would have thought I asked for heroin! That or she hates writing scripts for Vyvanse. She gave me several excuses why she didn’t want me on a stimulant medication,.,,such as, my blood pressure is too high, many insurances don’t cover it, it is a controlled 2 drug and she would have to check the registry monthly as her practice requires because "people sometimes get their meds from two doctors", I would have to come to the office and pick up the script monthly and finally, "how many 60 years olds are on stimulants", even though I am only 34……

I was frustrated because I need something for my ADHD as it is harming my productivity at work, yet she won’t write me the script! I do have a theory that she may have checked the registry and saw the suboxone..instead of bringing it up to me, she passive aggressively "talked me out" of getting Vyvanse.

I have been on stimulants before and NEVER abused them and never would. I must wish doctors were not so scared to treat the patient due to the fact that they are scared of the DEA!!!