Author: Tndb
Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:45 pm
Dr. Junig,
I was troubled when I read how your copyrighted material is possible being pirated. As soon as I noticed that you created an e-book, I immediately though, "wonder if I can get on Amazon". Then I read further to find that you are not receiving royalties from Amazon purchases. Amazon is selling your book $2 cheaper then up are and you and not even allowed to get your beak wet.
I beg you to take the offensive here, rather than simply sending a letter. Call you lawyer and at least have a cece and desist letter mailed. Amazon probably takes piracy and copyright issues fairly seriously and I hope that you would take an aggressive approach to contact them. Also, if you didn’t self publish, I’d imagine your publisher has a nice legal department.
PLEASE do not allow this madness to continue as I really don’t see this doing anything positive to you name and reputation!