Last heroin shot 7 hours ago, staring Suboxone in the AM.

Author: amber4.14.11

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2012 11:08 pm

Romeo’s right………………Just for the record. Rolling Eyes

haven’t heard anything from you, so just wondering if you tried agian, or if you DID it,
or what’s going on………..

Its fairly common on this board to hear people going from heroin to suboxone, they don’t feel "good" or even "better" for about
3-5 days,
just in general………..It’s really common to hear they are in precipitated w/ds,,,,,,, who knows though, becuz heroin and
methadone BOTH make your tolerance sky high, at least as far as trying to induce with suboxone, it does.

If at first you don’t succeed, TRY TRY again…………………..

hope your doing allright Wink