Author: Chazwick
Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:27 pm
Hello all, I’ve been following this site for the almost 4 months I’ve been clean and on Suboxone maintenance, also following Junig’s blog and videos. Great stuff but I only just recently joined and this is my first post. ( I suppose I should head to the intro board next). Anyways, as I said I’ve been on subs for 4 months as of next week. I am on 24mg a day. My doctor, who is great so far and seems fairly knowledgeable, though I have taught him a few things I’ve learned from this site, he has me taking 8mg films 3 times a day. I don’t have any issues with the quantity of my dose. He told me it’s okay to play around with the dosing times and I did a bit at first but I settled at morning, afternoon, and night. 6-8 hours apart. I understand why lowering the frequency of daily dosing could be more beneficial to eliminate that feeling of waiting for your next dose. I never tried taking all 3 in one dose but I have experimented with 2 films in the morning and one at night and that seemed like a lot in the morning, like I felt weird, really tired. I also tried 1 1/2 in the morning and 1 1/2 at night and that was better. Felt a bit weird on it and tired but I don’t know if that is something that would go away reasonably quickly if I kept it up (I only tried it for a day or two). I guess I want to know if anybody else has experience like that, taking that much and trying to reduce the amount of times per day you dose. Do you think if I went to 1 1/2 twice a day it would be something I would adjust to? I just want some general input from others who are or have been on a similar dose and trie to cut back the number of times they take it in a day. I really would like to not have to worry, at least, about that afternoon dose. Any helpful input is appreciated. Thanks!