Author: AshCal3
Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:13 am
This is almost the opposite argument that my mother and I have. I’ve been on suboxone for one month and I feel strongly that I DO NOT need the 6 months that she wants me to stay on them. I only take around 2mg of subs/day. If she thinks its too high, it may be too high of a dose! My mother was forcing me to take 8mgs and I was noding off and having anxiety attacks. I finally cute my dose in half (to 4mgs) and now to (2mg) and feel sooo much better! I am also almost 30 years old and probably a bit more mature and in control than she is. (I’m just speculating here due to the age difference). She clearly needs to be on the subs for a longer period than you had her on before. Her case is much more serious than mine. I plan on a 3 month sub recovery and then I want to do sub maintenance, as needed, after that (that means, have them on hand, and only take 2mg if i feel like a need it/have cravings, etc). I was only REALLY bad for 6 months, so her heroin usage was longer than mine. Sometimes I feel like doctors want you to be on it for longer, because they get paid every months she is! So, I would suggest finding a great therapist specializing in opiate addiction as well. Both of you should see and talk with the addiction specialist (NOT the prescribing doctor) to try and come up with the right amounts of time for her to be on suboxone. She should be young enough that her brain chemicals will reset, from what you have said and what I know, I do not think she is irreparable. I personally think you should eventually start to tapper her dose to a low enough one, like 4mg. That way it will be less of a struggle to get off the subs when it is time. Make sure the people she was doing heroin with, are with not her friends anymore, or that they are clean or getting clean. She has to be around strong people and good friends that want to see her succeed and that care about her well being. Doing drugs was her choice, so no one else should be blamed, but it doesn’t seem that she is strong enough to be around the same people.
You are an amazing mother, just keep sticking by her side, try not to judge and smother, just be proud of her and love her during this battle. My mother was a bit more judgmental, and all I wanted and NEEDED for my recovery was positive reinforcement. It seems as though you are doing that. So keep up the good work! Know you are not alone and SHE is not alone.