Length of Suboxone Treatment?

Author: amber4.14.11

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:33 pm

That’s really a different answer for just about every single addict.
And it really depends WHO you ask as far as ‘recomendations’ go………..

theres alot to consider when deciding HOW LONG to stay on suboxone. For example, how long was the person in active addiction,,, months or years??? What did they lose?? a job or EVERYTHING???

heres one of Dr. Junig’s blog posts on it

that may answer a few of your questions.

Counseling/therapy is recomended right away. I didnt start going until I had been on suboxone about 5 months. To tell ya the truth, I just wasn’t ready. I was still trying to ‘deal’ with not getting up every morning just to get loaded.

So, Im glad I waited. I think in the end, I got alot more out of it.
Now, I go to group therapy and I still attend marriage counseling.

Im sorry I dont have more ‘direct’ answers for you.
Ive been on suboxone now for 17 months.
And Im okay with that. I spent over ten years in active addiction and this last 17 months Ive managed to really pull my shit together. Feels really great to go to work every day, and pay my bills, take care of my son and you know,
Im an actual person, now.

I hope this helps.
If you have any more questions, I’ll try (or someone will) to answer them, the best I can