Where is the most affordable/good Rapid Detox (usa)

Author: TwinCitiesHardcore

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 10:43 am

$8,000-$12,000 can pay for a LOT of burenorphine as well as office visits for a prescribing Dr. As opposed to what you are suggesting, opioid replacement therapy is an evidence based approach for the chronic treatment of a chronic disease – addiction. Then again, some people who control their restless leg by taking any number of medications don’t like the idea of being ‘hooked on them pills,’ or ”those damn side effects’ (Yeah, remember WHY you started taking the med to begin with?!? Remember the side effects tat came with the underlying condition???!) Some of these people would rather find a doctor to put them under anesthesia and experimentally cut off tendons in their legs even though RLS is a neurological problem. There is NO free lunch with opioid addiction….Buprenorphine is the safest option and the best treatment modality (acknowledging methadone her too) with 25 years of data that shows overall success in so many areas. BTW I’ve personally known someone who died in a rapid-detox scenario; he was a youngerish, fairly naive kid and his parents bullied him to endure Rapid Detox to ‘get off that goddamn methadone, it’s just a crutch.’
