39 weeks pregnant taking subutex without a script

Author: amber4.14.11

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 10:14 pm

Every state, hospital, doctor is different.
but it wont come up on just a ‘standard’ drug screen. It HAS to be a test for buprenorphine.

so, I dont know. have you thought about what you’ll do/say IF they do infact find out???
Id start coming up with something.

heres a link to dr. J’s blog about buprenorphine/pregnancy
http://suboxonetalkzone.com/withdrawal-in-newborns-lay-off-the-guilt-trip/ (this is about withdrawl, one below is general)



hope this helps
good luck

oh and you can find lots of pregnancy stories, if you havent already in the (duh) pregnancy section!!!!! Wink