Author: Goinstrong
Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:32 pm
Puppets on a string. That was always the phrase that came to mind when I went to 12 step meetings. I have never seen so many people in one place that have the exact same personality. The cliques were worse than high school, and if you steered clear of the drama, which I do, you weren’t "working" the program… whatever! I have already had the misfortune of running into a woman I used to see regularly at meetings. I saw her at our town grocery store. And I hear this "Kelly!" loud enough for the whole store to hear. Like she’s sooooo happy to see me. ya right. I say "whats up" She asked what meetings I’ve been going to as she hadn’t seen me around. I told her I see an addictions counselor once a week, my pdoc once a month, and I am on suboxone. You woulda thought I told her I was drowning kittens in my spare time. She said I will NEVER make it taking drugs. Ok. Thanks for sharing I said. and walked away. I probably would have said a lot more if my son hadn’t been with me.
If I didn’t see my pdoc and a therapist, I’d relapse over and over for the rest of my life. I enjoy having the opportunity to work through the things that lead me back to using every time.
I couldn’t agree more! If you are depressed and are thinking about suicide, don’t see your sponsor, see a doctor. Well said Tearjerker!