Author: Ozzy619
Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:49 am
I jumped at 4mgs once before so I feel your pain, I thought I was losing my mind and was going to have permanent damage. I finally tapered and got off that way. Yiu did jump at a high amount but youre too far in to go back. Every 72hrs the subs half life completes its cycle, so imo opinion you should have about .25mgs max in your system. Give it a couple more days and im sure the acute wd will go away. Insomnia will last awhile, maybe a month or so in my case. Take a good multi vitamin, amino acids and an otc sleep aid if u need it. Make urself work out when you can. Give it time, it gets better. Read "jumped without a parachute" thread for inspiration. Keep a warrior mentality.