Antidepressant success stories and what worked best for you?

Author: tearj3rker

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:41 pm

Hey Ibanks,

Have you tried 5-HTP? It is a precursor to serotonin that crosses the blood-brain barrier easily. It’s also quite psychoactive (I’ve found). It has helped my blues a lot.

The fact that your depression is getting worse with your dose reduction does make sense in a way. Depression and anxiety is a common symptom of opioid withdrawal – moreso I’ve found with buprenorphine. It’s possible that now you’re sitting on a dose below what you need, you are getting some of those symptoms kicking in around the edges? At least, that’s what I’ve found when I go under 10mg, which seems to be my level.

The film doesn’t "work better" as such, but you do absorb more buprenorphine. However, you also get more buprenorphine / naloxone related side-effects with the film because you absorb more of the drugs, and you also end up more dependent, because you are taking a higher dose. All it basically works out is … 10mg of the tablets is worth 8mg of the film. So if you switch from 8mg film to 8mg tablet, you’ll be having the side-effect levels of taking around 6mg of the film. Make sense?