Author: tearj3rker
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:38 am
Sub is a weird drug with drowsyness. I’ll just tell you how it works for me, and maybe you can relate.
I’ve found Suboxone has a bit of a stimulant feel to it, in that if I take it before I plan on sleeping, I get a burst of energy and stay up another couple of hours often.
BUT at the same time, I need more hours sleep while on Sub than while I’m off all opioids.If I give myself 8 hours sleep (what I normally need), I do feel like I need a nap for an hour or two to make up for it. Overall I can feel lethargic if I don’t get the extra sleep I need.
I’ve also found that if my dose of Sub is too high, I feel NARC’D – meaning stoned, which always has a drowsy element to it. IMO this is always a sign that the dose is far too high. Buprenorphine shouldn’t make a person feel narc’d or euphoric, as running on too-high a dose can cause buprenorphine to make your opioid tolerance go UP – and once that happens, it’s a lot harder to make it go back down.