Author: Ego
Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:18 pm
For the longest time i had been taking more of my subs then i was subscribed, always felt like a needed more later in the day. I posted a week ago how i was running out of my subscription early all the time. well any way..
I read alot about how people take there doses, i had been doing some things that i probably shouldn’t have been doing. i used to just throw the thing under my tongue, then continue like nothing was there, drinking mountain dew, have a smoke.. eat a candy bar right after.. lots of things that could have resulted in me not getting the full effects from my dose.
Lately i have been trying something new, i heard someone else here on forum mention this. I break my 8mg pill in half then put half of it in my gums, like chewing tobacco. let it disolve then repeat with the other half… it take forever to disolve this way, but i dont taste it and can hardly tell its there. i can really tell the difference from the way i used to take my dose, it takes alittle longer to kick in at first but when it does im set for the whole day.. i havent felt the need for extra at all during the last week or so i have been doing my dose this way.
I also used to take half in morning another during the after noon. i have stoped doing that, i really dont need more later by taking them the way i do now. If i feel like taking more now, i chalk it up to my inner addict talking to me.. pill = reward.
I thinks its good practice to break that habbit of taking pills all day, i didnt realize how much a part this played in my addiction.
Any way, best of luck