Author: Taurus
Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:34 am
I never ever had these jerks in my life until I started sub, not even on Vicodin. I started getting them the very first night on 8mg sub. Once I lowered to 4mg, they almost went away…only had them once in a great while. When I got down to 2-3mg I never had them. I went back up to 5mg/day four days ago, and I’ve been having them again the last few nights, but not enough to bother me.
If they bother you too much, maybe just lower your dosage 1 or 2mg and see if that makes them subside, or at least not happen as frequently.
I haven’t had the soreness under my tongue yet. Hope you find something that helps. Maybe there is an old thread on this subject under "side effects".