Still Having Cravings on Suboxone pissing me of..

Author: Taurus

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:27 am

Lillyval wrote:
Hi cire, 4 mg is usu. considered the minimum dose to be at the ceiling level. Maybe it’s not enough for you. You might need 6 and maybe as much as 8 mg. Also, at doses under 4 mg (you might be taking 2 mg 2x/day) the bupe acts like a full agonist and doesn’t have the 36 hour half life. So splitting a low dose like 4 mg might not be a good idea. If you are feeling WD don’t be afraid to increase your dose a little. 8 mg / day really isn’t a very high dose. When I was on maintenance I was on 12mg, and I wasn’t coming off a huge opiate habit.
Good luck,

Can anyone tell me more information if this part is true or not:

"at doses under 4mg the bupe acts like a full agonist and doesn’t have the 36 hour half life."

I have never heard that about any drug…that the half life differs depending on how much you take. Is it true that the half life might be different for different dosages? I’ve always thought the half life was the same no matter how much of the drug you take.


Still Having Cravings on Suboxone pissing me of..

Author: Taurus

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 12:27 am

Lillyval wrote:
Hi cire, 4 mg is usu. considered the minimum dose to be at the ceiling level. Maybe it’s not enough for you. You might need 6 and maybe as much as 8 mg. Also, at doses under 4 mg (you might be taking 2 mg 2x/day) the bupe acts like a full agonist and doesn’t have the 36 hour half life. So splitting a low dose like 4 mg might not be a good idea. If you are feeling WD don’t be afraid to increase your dose a little. 8 mg / day really isn’t a very high dose. When I was on maintenance I was on 12mg, and I wasn’t coming off a huge opiate habit.
Good luck,

Can anyone tell me more information if this part is true or not:

"at doses under 4mg the bupe acts like a full agonist and doesn’t have the 36 hour half life."

I have never heard that about any drug…that the half life differs depending on how much you take. Is it true that the half life might be different for different dosages? I’ve always thought the half life was the same no matter how much of the drug you take.
