Author: tearj3rker
Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:17 am
How long til you go in? And what was your drug-of-choice?
If you can make it 4 days without your agonist before you go in, I would just take enough Sub to relieve your withdrawal symptoms. By the time your inside you’d only have days 5-7 of your detox remaining which, at least for a heroin addict, are on the home stretch.
I’m unsure if stacking your Sub before you go in would be a good thing. There’s a lot of theory about the ceiling effect, and the half-life increasing with the higher dosing. If you stack your sub, you’ll be relieved of your agonist withdrawal for longer but it might not be necessary if you’re going in a few days after your last agonist dose. The Sub detoxes I’ve done were all 7 days, and they were really effective. By day 5 I was on like… 1mg of Sub anyway?