Wondering what the grass looks likes on the other side…

Author: Romeo

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 11:23 pm

I understand completely when you say, "I don’t even know who I am without being on some kind of mind altering substance….I wonder how different I will be or if I will even have the same personality." I actually remember having that conversation with my wife before I got on Suboxone. There were so many unknowns, I had so much doubt. But, I went ahead and took the plunge anyway and gave Suboxone a shot.

Like you, I had been addicted to many drugs over the years. My active drug addiction phase lasted 25 years. So, you can imagine my complete and utter surprise when I got on Suboxone and my active addiction stopped instantly AND I felt great. I went from buying massive amounts of pain pills daily to buying ZERO pain pills daily, thanks to Suboxone.

To be clear, Suboxone is an opiate, BUT it’s a partial agonist as opposed to pain meds or heroin, which are full agonists. Full agonists get ya high, partial agonists usually don’t. Suboxone is a medication that actually allows you to taper off of it when you’re ready and tapering allows you to escape the vast majority of withdrawal. Most folks simply can not taper off of pain meds, the high drives them to do more and more.