Author: NoMorePills
Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 9:07 pm
I never really felt WD’s from the larger drops. I went from 8mgs to 4 to 2 to one within a month and did not feel anything bad until I got under 1mg. I am at .3mg now. I did .5 mg for about 6 days then .4 for a day but the second day I only took.3 and got away with it. I am going to stay on .3 for another 5 days to make sure I am stable then drop to .25. Hopefully that is not a hard drop.
Back to the relating part, when I dropped to a low dose of sub (below 2 mg) I became a huge horndog too. It was very comforting to feel like my old self after three years of little to no deisre. Was afraid I had just gotten old (I just turned 36) but apparently that is not the case.
As for the REstless legs, I have tried homeopathic stuff and most was worthless but I think the Hylands Nerve tonic helped a little. Not a ton but enough to take the edge off. Strangely their restful leg pills were of no help. Good luck and keep updating. It helps everyone, I know it does me.