Author: jonathanm1978
Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:47 pm
It’s pretty definitive that even if you do suffer low testosterone, it’s not enough of a reason to continue life as an actively-seeking addict on opiate pain meds. The pros outweigh the cons, TREMENDOUSLY.
If I had to take my preference, I’d MUCH rather be on Suboxone and suffer low testosterone (what’s the "worst" this can do to you/for you, besides low sex drive??) than to be seeking those Oxycontins and abusing prescription pain meds like I was doing and eventually winding up behind bars (or worse, 6ft under)…
Low testosterone is a possibility..but it’s a hit or miss from what I gather. I’ve been on Suboxone for 3+ years now, and just now started talking with my doctor about testosterone…he’s going to test me on my next visit and see if my levels are OK. No reason really, I don’t have any complaints…but just to make sure.
So don’t let this deter you from what’s important…because you cannot allow something as minor as that keep you from living a normal life without the cloud that opiates place on us.